Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Calm in the Midst of the Storm

This week has been insanely crazy for me! As you can see from my past blogs...And, it's been hard...REALLY hard! My emotions have been up and down, and I don't know right from left it seems! I am learning how to forgive and move on...And, I am learning to trust the Lord in everything! And, I am learning to be patient! So often I find myself so consumed with my struggles and circumstances I am in, that I forget how amazing the Lord is and what He has done for me and who I am in Him! Tonight at Focus, Bro. Jim spoke on God's righteousness. God's righteousness, as found in Romans 1, is revealed through the Gospel. And, when Christ took the cross on Himself, and died He took the burden of all our sins! And, in return when we realize we are too far gone and can't do it on our own and surrender our lives to Christ, He imparts His righteousness on us! When you become a Christian, you by far do not become perfect! But, God has already poured out His wrath Christ through the cross! So, even when we mess up, we are covered in Christ's blood and God will not be angry at us! I am not saying this to say we should take advantage of His grace! Paul clearly warns against this! But, knowing this just reassures me of Christ's love and absolutely amazing grace that He has shown me! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! He is the calm in the middle of the storm that is my life! He is the reason I am living and breathing!!


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